“What most schools don’t teach”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKIu9yen5nc&feature=youtu.be
Someone recently sent me this video link and asked my opinion to the question “Should every student learn how to code?” My quick answer is yes. Logically we all realize that the predominance of jobs in the future will require some knowledge of computers and learning to code is as valuable as learning to speak a world language. It also is a natural fit in our Middle School where every student has an ipad and participates in 21st century learning. The issue is how can we accomplish this during the school day? I think in order to answer that question we need to examine what the State requires us to teach. For example in our Middle School we still have the same curriculum as when I went to school. Home Economics changed its name to Family and Consumer Science but the curriculum hasn’t radically been altered. The same is true of Educational Technology (woodshop). I still use the skills I learned in middle school shop. While I see the value in both of those classes, are these topics essential knowledge for the next generation? I speak to many people that reminisce about his/her personal experiences in school and tell me “If it was good enough for me it’s good enough for my kids”. In some cases we need to ‘let go’ of content and subjects we enjoyed (or not) and make way for new topics and content that better prepare our youngsters for life after high school. The time is upon us to question some of our mandated State curriculum and question its relevance in preparing the next generation of students.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. 20 comments
Imagine over 500 students standing in the aisles and on the stage all singing at once- that was last night finale! Several people approached me to say “That is the best concert we have ever seen!” kudos to all involved especially Meg Messina, Brian Goldman and Angela Napolitano. Excellent job!!
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. Add a comment
This morning the District sent out two different surveys to parents of children attending Hampton Street and Meadow Drive. Parents of non-school age children that provided an email address also received the Pre-K survey. We need you input! Your voice and opinions are critical to help us plan for the future- please take a few moments to fill out the survey. They will not take more than 5 minutes of your time.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. 1 comment
The district is hosting Ryan’s Story, an anti-bullying program based on Ryan Halligan, a 13-year-old middle school student from Vermont who committed suicide in 2003 because of bullying. Ryan’s father, John Halligan, will recount the story of his son’s life, the ridicule he endured, the devastating impact that his son’s suicide has had on his life, and the power of forgiveness. Mr. Halligan will be speaking on Wednesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. in the Mineola Middle School auditorium. Parents of students in any grade who are residents of the district may attend this free and powerful forum.
Students will participate in a workshop with Mr. Halligan during the day. Parents are not encouraged to bring their children to the evening workshop.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. 1 comment
I recently was in Stop and Shop buying our weekly groceries when I heard the unmistakable cry of an upset toddler. I turned to see the baby’s mother immediately hand the child her cell phone which instantly appeased the boy. As I passed by her cart I hear the all too familiar sound of birds flying through the air on their way to find pigs. This isn’t the first time I have witnessed a similar practice; I have seen kids on phones in church, in cars, and in libraries. It has become the norm- a new fact of life in a technology culture. I also don’t believe we will have much success in changing the behavior. I think our energies should be focused on developing educational content for the phone (and all other mobile devices) that properly challenge young minds in appropriate content. There has to be a new symmetry between the thrill of killing pigs with developing ELA and math skills. The next wave of educational content will be delivered via apps and online content and we must work toward this inevitability. Our generation must go through a “letting go” in which we suspend our traditional notion of school and education. Classroom and teaching pedagogy must change to engage a new generation of learners. The ultimate irony is we (adults) have created and encouraged a media saturated culture for youngsters yet we resist the notion of embracing those teaching practices. Happily Mineola Middle School is continuing to demonstrate the ability to fuse new technologies and traditional content to create an educational environment that embraces personalized instructional technology.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. 1 comment
The alphabet structure hanging from the ceiling of the new library at Hampton has received national recognition. Submitted by architects H2M, the design placed second nationally in the Interior Finishes category of the 7th Annual People’s Choice Installation Contest hosted by 3form. The district will receive a $300 credit to be used on 3form Reclaim recycled products and will likely be used to purchase items for the district’s Meadow Drive library project.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. Add a comment
Join me in congratulating senior Sujith Maracheril. He has been named a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program for 2013 and is in the running to become one of 8,400 Merit Scholarship winners. We will find out this spring if he is awarded a scholarship through the program.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. 1 comment
A reminder about next week’s schedule. School is closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will resume regular classes on Thursday and Friday February 21st and February 22nd. Enjoy the extended weekend.
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. Add a comment
Last night I had the pleasure to attend our annual String Night. This year the featured special guest artist was Bridged Bibbens. She works with Mark Woods of Trans-Siberian Orchestra fame. Bridged worked with each orchestra during the day and then preformed with them last night. The finale showcased the entire Middle School orchestra as well as the 8th grade orchestra in the pit and up and down the aisles playing Hoedown. Everyone had a great time!!
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. Add a comment
Here’s some students who are using their hearts today for a healthy purpose – Hampton Street has been hosting Jump Rope for Heart all week and has raised more than $3,500 to date for the American Heart Association. It amazes me how for a “smaller” district we are able to raise so much money for such great causes.
Photos from the event are also currently being featured on Newsday’s website: http://www.newsday.com/long-island/towns/long-island-school-event-photos-1.3312031
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. Add a comment