John Lusardi can hit a golf ball a long way and Chris Fischer didn’t really hit a bad shot- but that didn’t stop Coach Weidlein and I from winning the match! Yesterday it was my pleasure to join the golf team’s practice round at North Shore Country club. John challenged me to a match last year and we finally made it happen. We played a best ball scramble, after 7 holes the match was dormie and we pressed the final two holes. We won press too! Coach carried me most round, if I had to play John straight up I am sure I wouldn’t fair as well. Beautiful day, wonderful course. Can’t wait for the rematch
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
Check out this video of Mr. Carlson’s class giving him a hard time about using notebooks. Too funny
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
As we begin the year I know many parents will notice a difference in the student work and assignments coming home. Most notably is our new math curriculum that is now in line with the Common Core standards. The work is very different. Our old curriculum used to be called “a mile wide and an inch deep”- the new curriculum is the opposite. Children are now asked to show and use multiple methods to solve a problem. The process and tasks are very different from the way we learned. An excellent resource for parents is This site has videos that explain the methods associated with the new curriculum so you can better assist your child if he/she needs help. In addition the parent portal at will provide a road map for the content on each grade
The expectation for students is clearly different. In addition to an increase in the rigor of materials we are asking them to think differently. While this is different it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. I am confident that our children and teachers will adapt to the changes in front of us and we all will be better for it. It is important throughout this process to continue to instill in our children the love of learning and the fun associated with conquering challenging problems and tasks.
Each school has planned parent workshops in the Fall. Information is on the District calendar.
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. 2 comments
In order to better align with the new Common Core Learning Standards, we have established new standards-based report cards for students in grades pre-K-6. In conjunction with parental input, a committee of teachers worked last spring to create progress indicators aligned with the Common Core anchor standards in English language arts, Common Core math standards and Next Generation Science Standards. The new report cards will be distributed every trimester, not every quarter and I think you will find them much more informative than the old format.
Detailed information on the new report cards will be featured in our fall edition of the Outreach and workshops will be held to fully explain the new reports to parents at each level. Here are the dates for each workshop – mark your calendars now:
- Middle School – Oct. 23
- Jackson Avenue – Oct. 28
- Hampton/Meadow – Oct. 29
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
A lot of Spirit on display at yesterday’s Pep rally.
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
Senior musicians Michelle Senra and Bonnie Small will be representing Mineola at this year’s New York State School Music Association’s All-State Music Festival and Rebecca Bastos achieved alternate status for the honor. All three were selected based upon their stellar All-State performances last spring. Congratulations ladies! They are shining examples of what makes our district “One of the Best Communities for Music Education in America.” We look forward to their performances at the high school this year.
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. 1 comment
Once again the high school had a day of remembrance and service honoring the victims of 9/11. After school students volunteered to make sandwiches for the Mary Brenan Inn and that activity was followed by a ceremony at the Survivor Tree in the Reggie Carter commons area. Emily Abrahams read a beautiful Poem and Allison Yarri told the story of the pear tree that survived the 9/11 attacks. The students at the HS planted their own survivor tree as a memorial on the 10 year anniversary two years ago. Over 200 students symbolically watered the tree in a silent processional. Special thanks to Eileen Burke and Nancy Regan for organizing the event.
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
Mineola is featured in today’s print edition of Newsday and online for our exemplary use of technology in the classroom. Myself and one of our amazing teachers are featured with quotes throughout the entire article. Check it out if you have access to Newsday’s website here:
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. Add a comment
I love the theater. I especially love student productions that are done well. Friday’s night’s alumni production of Les Miserables may be the start of something big. As usual I was blown away with the talent of our students. What made this production particularly great was the collaboration of young and ‘old’. The age difference among the cast members spanned ten years; we had performers from the class of 2007 – 2017. When John Watts, Jenelle Fiori and Robbie DiBella pitched the idea to Mr. Owens and Mr. Escobar I was in full support and the result was amazing. That trio worked social media to get commitments from every lead in the 2008 production. Everyone’s voice seemed to get better with age. Stephanie pulled double duty in the pit and as Fantine (Anne Hathaway eat your heart out), Mo and Kenny made me laugh just as loud (wigs or no wigs). Nick was more convincing as Javert than Russell Crowe. I love to listen to Aislin, Karen and Alex sing – A “Heart full of Love” is one of my favorites. Of course Mr. Watts as Valjean- I can listen to him all night. Newcomers Brittany Hernandes (Sandy from Grease) and Kayla Orefice (Gavroche) led the way for the “younger” crew. The pit sounded unbelievable. There were no sets- just lights and a scrim and the effect was spectacular. Kudos to Billy Buehler and Tommy Falls! I enjoyed this so much we should do it every year. I hope this is the start of a new tradition and perhaps a summer stock for Mineola. Special thanks to Mr. Owens and all of the teachers who volunteered their time to make this happen.
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. 2 comments