Mineola Superintendent's Blog

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Is it the devil or god in the details?

Some say “The devil is in the details,” meaning solutions break down when you examine them closely enough. Some say “God is in the details,” meaning opportunities for discovery and creativity come from digging into the details.


As we continue to explore the plethora of details surrounding reconfiguration models we will undoubtedly shift between problems and solutions of the proposed plans.  That is why we have discussion and collaboration.  While I understand the frustration of not knowing how we will reconfigure, it is imperative we do this correctly and we anticipate growth into the future.


Please note that we are still in investigating options.  There has been NO decision on which schools will close or what configuration will be adopted.

Posted 14 years ago.


Triple C Reconfiguration Report to the Board

 The community committee on consolidation presented it findings to the Board of Education this evening.  Robin Bischoff and Rick Ueland represented the group in presenting a synopsis of the discussion the group has had.  The proposal takes into consideration many of the points the community has voiced over the last few months.  They included:  “Keep younger children closer to home”, “Children should spend as many years in one building as possible”, “Equalize class size”, “Adjust the proportions of ESL and Special Education students”, “We don’t want to pay for construction”, “Don’t put 8th grade in the High School or 5th in the Middle School”.  What we uncovered is that the last two points cannot be accomplished.  After analyzing and discussing over a dozen different options we came to the realization that we cannot keep the eight grade out of the HS without adding classrooms to a building.  Therefore the committee recommended the following.


Option One- NO construction costs-

 Pre K- Grade 2       Two buildings One on each side of Jericho Turnpike

Grades 3,4             Jackson Avenue

Grades 5, 6, 7        Middle School

Grades 8-12           High School


Option Two- requires passing a bond of approximately 7 million dollars


Pre K- Grade 2       Two buildings One on each side of Jericho Turnpike

Grades 3-5             Jackson Avenue

Grades 6-8             Middle School

Grades 9-12           High School

Both options have pros and cons but both will deliver an exceptional learning environment and experience for children.  Both options will begin with closing Willis Avenue in September 2011.  I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the members of the Triple C.  They listened to one another and arrived at a compromise that is in the best interest of all children.

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago.


Round Two

No it wasn’t a boxing match at all!  It always amazes me what can be accomplished when people put their minds to something. Tonight’s discussion centered on different configurations of the school system.  I listed 6 different options and committee members added a few of their own. We had very productive discussions about the pros and cons of each.  While we still have many unanswered questions, we made great stride in dealing with the two main issues of equity and transitions. But we all agreed that we still have a lot of work before we can publish our discussions.  The next meeting will focus on construction and transportation.  We look forward meeting with our architect and transportation director to further these discussions.

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago.



I have decided to no longer post anonymous notes unless I know the identity of the poster.   I understand the need for some people to remain anonymous and I will honor that, but I am starting to feel a lack of productivity is some recent posts.  MPN

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago.


And the journey begins…

Tonight was the first meeting of the Community Committee on Consolidation (Triple C).  The committee is comprised of parents (District council), residents without children currently in school, administrators, teachers, and staff.  Tonight’s task was to develop a list of priorities that will be the basis for determining how we should restructure the school system.  The committee broke into smaller groups and reported out.  The two major priorities that surfaces were: Equity/equality- this was defined as equity of class size and equal distribution of socio economic status.  In addition people listed resources in staffing, equity in physical space and infrastructure (i.e. libraries) and the roll out of programs.  The other major priority was transitions.  There was not consensus on what that exactly means.  Is it the number of years a student spends in a building OR is it the number of times a student moves between buildings? Next week we will begin discussing possible configurations based on these two priorities.

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago.


Statement on School Closing

At its February 25 Business Meeting, the Mineola Board of Education voted to close two of the district’s elementary schools. A decision on which two schools will be closed has not yet been made. However, it was decided that the first school will close as of September 1, 2011 and the second school will close as of September 1, 2012.


This decision was made after years of discussion, independent studies, and input from the Mineola community. Given the unprecedented financial challenges our district is currently facing, the Board’s decision was necessary to continue to maximize the high quality of education our students receive, while minimizing the financial impact to our taxpayers. 


The Board has authorized me to develop and execute a plan for consolidating our elementary schools, which will ultimately lead to a more equitable and cost-efficient distribution of students in the elementary grades. I look forward to working with the Community Committee on Consolidation, a group comprised of area residents, to develop a reconfiguration plan. Together, we will find the right solution that is in the best interest of our students.

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago.


Anonymous Posts

Should I allow them?  I debate every time I allow a ‘controversial” or inflammatory” post whether or not it’s worth posting.  Most recently the “teacher” post has had a lot of reaction and I don’t know if it is actually a teacher or someone being antagonistic.  I am leaning toward not allowing them (Mrs. Sweeny’s recent post) BUT I do understand some people wanting or needing anonymity.  So I think I would be Ok with allowing an anonymous post if I knew the person behind the fictitious name.   Thoughts?

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago.


If you’re not part of the solution…

The Board of Education and I have painstakingly presented the financial future of Mineola.  It is grim.  The continued decrease of revenue coupled with a 0% contingency should a budget fails naturally leads to a discussion of closing schools.  This isn’t a new conversation.  For the last three years it has been discussed, unfortunately it is now upon us.  If we are to close schools then cooperation and civility must reign. I created this blog as a communication tool, not a war zone. Let’s work toward an amicable solution that keeps our programs in tact. We need to discuss practical options that solve the problem. 


Posted 14 years, 3 months ago.


Finance and Education

Some of the comments I have heard since Thursday presentation is centered on the notion- “You are suggesting closing schools because of financial concerns not education reasons”  I do not understand this comment.  Education and money are intertwined; there are similar to ying and yang.  Both are dependent on each other and one cannot exist without the other. Across the State communities vote on school budgets.  Programs exist because communities financially support them.  Without the financial support programs are eliminated. Therefore when there is a possibility of losing programs because of fiscal concerns it is logical to look for alternative methods.  As I have said many times- The choices are pretty clear- we pass budgets close to the roll over budget thereby preserving program or we close schools and reconfigure to preserve programs.  Both of the choices are focused on Educational Programs. We must strive to find the balance of the ying and yang.   


Posted 14 years, 3 months ago.


Post school closing comments HERE

Several people have posted comments in different places I have moved all of them here.

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago.