Making Up days after the Storm
At last night’s Board of Education meeting the Board approved my recommendations to modify the school calendar to make up for the 6 days (7 in the HS) lost due to Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately it means that we must shorten the February break. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and hardship that you might incur due to this decision. Obviously this was a difficult decision and there are not a lot of options. While the Commissioner of Education can waive this rule districts MUST exhaust any and all ‘vacation’ days before any waiver is granted.
The reasoning is as follows:
- The State requirement to receive State Aid is 180 days. Superintendent conference days are included in the 180
- Mineola has 182 instructional days and 2 Superintendent conference days = 184
- So technically we are 4 days “over” the State aid requirement
- Right now- ASSUMING there are no more snow days – we can met the 180 requirement as follows:
- 182 instructional days + 1 Sup’t conference day (August 28) = 183
- Hurricane Sandy 5 days and 1 Snow day = minus 6 days
- Now at 177. ADD
- November 6 as instructional day = 178
- Claim snow day (May 24) back = 179
- Take March 25 as a school day = 180
- Move the November 6 Sup’t conference day to June 24 = 181- This would account for the HS non-attendance on Monday November 5
- Issues-
- Right now the 2 school days in August do NOT count toward the 180 requirement
- We have formally asked for a change in this decision
- Right now the 2 school days in August do NOT count toward the 180 requirement
- There is no ‘wiggle room’. If we have another snow day we will need to take another day
- Decision:
- Shorten the February break and declare the other days as snow days
- Eliminate the second Superintendent conference day
- Reasoning:
- I do believe we will have additional snow days this year
- Reasoning:
- Therefore- as of today Schools will be OPEN on:
- May 24th
- February 22
- February 21 (this maintains 180 instructional days)
- The following are snow make-up days. Schools are closed unless we need a make-up:
- February 20
- February 19
- If it snows between February and March we might need to claim March 25
- Post April 2, we will apply for the waiver from the commissioner.