Mineola Superintendent's Blog


On February 8, 2011 we will have another bond to determine the ultimate configuration of the school district.  The bond seeks to build an extension on Jackson Avenue that will enable grades 3, 4, 5 to be housed at Jackson.  If the bond passes the Middle School will remain grades 6-8 and the High School will remain grades 9-12.  The extension on Jackson Avenue will consist of 8 classrooms as well as a new multi purpose room and bus loop. The total cost of the bond is 4.4 million dollars.  Please remember to exercise your right to vote on February 8th.   

jackson bond

Posted in Around the District 13 years, 12 months ago at 11:03 am.


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2 Replies

  1. Karla Melara-Mineola Parent Feb 7th 2011

    I urge all the Mineola residents to get out and vote. I hope this bond passes with a loud “YES”. This is one of the better options we have to offer our children with tax caps and budget cuts happening all around. Let us pass this bond and keep our programs and middle school and high school as is!

  2. Elisa Feb 4th 2011

    In regards to the upcoming bond vote I strongly feel that it is important each one of us exercise our rights, have our voice heard, and make good decisions based on our own beliefs- not someone else’s. Our differences are what makes us a unique community and that we accept and embrace our differences is what makes it a peaceful one. With that said, I’d like to voice my opinion on what I fear might be another defeated bond vote. Voting YES for the new bond allows us to think and act “future forward”. Our children deserve to learn in new facilities, renovated and well thought out buildings. This is something we had at Willis Avenue but that is just not our reality anymore. With this new bond we have the opportunity to send our kids to school in contemporary and efficient buildings, save money, and keep the 5th and 8th graders where they are currently. Let’s get on with what needs to be done in a peaceful, quick matter. It is my opinion that voting against the bond and asking for the default situation is not the best way to move forward in to the future. It might be a potentially messy situation.

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